Monday, June 8, 2015

Sesame Street's "Ladybug's Picnic"

For 30 years, I have been unable to count to 12 without singing the rest of "The Ladybug's Picnic".

I was interested to discover Sesame Street updated this classic with a shot-for-shot re-make, using claymation and a new version of the song.

Unsurprisingly, I found the newer version a terrible disappointment. Perhaps I'm blinded by nostalgia, but as shot-for-shot remakes go, this is a bigger mess than Gus Van Sant's Psycho.

For starters, the new cover of the song is too aggressive! I hate how the singer roars random words, breaking the infectious rhythm that made the original so memorable. Why a new version? Is this the result of a royalty squabble?

The new version of the ladybugs look weird. The original aren't overtly feminine, they're just wearing bonnets. The newer ones look like Mad Men era housewives; fresh from the hair parlour, always preening themselves, obsessively consulting mirrors and reapplying lipstick. They're at a picnic for Christ's sake! 

Another change I can't wrap my head around is switching the firefighter from a mouse to a dog. Did they think a dog with his tongue hanging out was cuter than a hard working, blue collar field mouse? Scale-wise, the mouse makes more sense as a mouse is closer in size to ladybugs than a big dog would be.

I dread to think of what horrors they're planning to turn the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 Pinball cartoon into.

Monday, June 1, 2015

John Carpenter's "Halloween" vs Chuck Norris' "Silent Rage"

A look at the number of (obviously intentional) similarities between John Carpenter/Debra Hill's HALLOWEEN and early Chuck Norris movie SILENT RAGE.

Other videos of interest:

Detailed audio review of 1979 sexually explicit HALLOWEEN novelization.

Interview with Jamie Lee Curtis circa 1980 to promote PROM NIGHT

Donald Pleasence discusses working with Woody Allen

Audio of 1979 reacting to ending of HALLOWEEN